The University of Applied Sciences Wildau, Germany (UASW) is the largest of four Universities of Applied Sciences in the Land Brandenburg and attracts over 3,800 students amongst them around one fourth coming from abroad. It is situated near the German capital Berlin and was established in 1991. The TUASW offers currently 27 full study programs, 2 part-time Bachelor programs and 4 postgraduate, part-time study programs in two faculties where a teaching staff of about 80 professors and associated professors are active. One of its characteristics is a modern and future-oriented spectrum of courses in the fields of Business, Administration, Engineering, and Life Sciences. This goes along with an excellent technical infrastructure. The partner network of UASW includes partners of industry, administration as well as other higher education institutes and research centers.
The UASW has gained considerable experience with STEM reach out labs in Germany. The so-called “NaWiTex Schülerlabore” (reach out labs of UASW) are specialized on 4 areas of natural sciences and work together with interdisciplinary study courses such as Biosystems Technology/Bioinformatics, Telematics (combination of telecommunication and informatics) and Physical Technologies/Energy Systems. In 2008, the first reach out lab “Biologie trifft Technik” (Biology meets Engineering) was founded. In 2015, we extended the offer for secondary schools and founded the “NaWiTex” lab with four different areas. Besides the Biolab, we teach the pupils in environmental sciences in the EcoLab and try to raise awareness for environmental problems and potential solutions. In the RoboticLab, the young people learn to program simple processes. The PhysTecLab combines classical physics with modern applications such as laser and plasma technology. The goal is to raise interest among the pupils in natural sciences and to show the joy in experimenting and realising own ideas.
Key staff:
Prof. Dr. Fred Lisdat
Dr. Anita Wesolowski