The Eekhout Academy, Belgium, is an national and international in-service training (IST) organization for schools, centres for adult education, school management, principals, teachers, educators and school governors. The organisation is based in Flanders, Belgium.
It is a public and non-profit body that is recognized and certified by the State through the Flemish Ministry of Education. The organization is independent non-funded and non-political. The Board of Governors is composed out of representatives of the University of Leuven (campus KULAK), the University of Applied Sciences VIVES and the KathOndVla or the Catholic Education of Flanders.
On international level, it’s the largest Belgian IST-provider. The Eekhout Academy acts as KA1 course provider, partner and coordinator in European (KA2) partnerships and assessor of quality development in international projects. It also coaches schools in the development of their international policy.
The Eekhout Academy is very experienced in dissemination of education innovation, supporting schools in change processes and developing and implementing valorisation initiatives.
The Eekhout Academy is connected to the education field (schools, centres for adult education, school boards and boards of governors) by steering groups which are chaired by pedagogical advisors. There is a STEM steering group that acts as motor in the process of dissemination of new approaches, material or methods.
The quality system of the Eekhout Academy is based on the EFQM-system. Our international courses are covered by the Quality Charter that is derived from the GINCO-network (Grundtvig International Network of Course Organizers).
Key staff:
Wim Simoens
Jo Desutter